Reading research papers can feel overwhelming, but there are two main ways to approach it. If you want to build a strong theoretical foundation, start with influential papers and structured resources. If you have a specific goal, focus on practical methods to reach it quickly. This guide covers both paths...
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Talk at PyData Paris 2024
Slides and meet-up form
Yesterday, I gave a talk about my latest paper at PyData Paris 2024. This was important to me as my paper address a problem that I met while working on a submission to French Health Authorities. Here is a photo of me giving my talk, courtesy of Adriana NAVA AGUILAR....
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My paper at ECML PKDD 2024
Paper, poster, and more!
If you landed on this page, you may have scanned the QR code on my poster at ECML PKDD 2024. Thanks for your interest in our work!
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Résultats de la dernière étude de Raoult
Fin alternative au papier
La dernière étude cosignée par le Dr. Raoult est disponible en prépublication sur medRxiv. De plus, les données, “constatées par huissier” (je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire), sont disponible ! Nous n’aurons donc pas cette fois à deviner le contenu des cohortes et simuler des populations pour...
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Towards Efficient Labeling in Federated Learning
Medium post about our latest research in federated active learning
AI Takeover of Le Louvre
An Art Basel event
Sage en page organises a takeover at the Louvre. They propose to the visitors to explore alternate versions of famous paintings modified with AI. Here are my contributions.
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I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better — Active Learning Flavor
Medium post about our latest research in active learning strategy
Cardinal, A metrics-based Active Learning framework
PyData Global 2020 talk
Data labeling is a tedious yet necessary task to train Machine Learning models. This iterative process alternates data labeling and model training. Active Learning proposes to lower the cost of this process by using the already labeled data to select the new samples to send to the annotator.
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Philips LatteGo 5400 vs Delonghi Dinamica
Pourquoi j'ai renvoyé la Philips pour acheter la Delonghi
Fièrement équipé d’une machine à percolateur, d’une cafetière moka, et d’un moulin à grain, j’ai senti les limites de mon installation pendant le confinement : faire le café me prenait du temps, je n’avais pas autant de variété que sur mon lieu de travail, et j’avoue avoir plusieurs fois renoncé...
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A (Slightly) Better Budget Allocation for Hyperband
Medium post about a better method to use budget in hyperband
The effect of line matching on ranking
And why analyzing COVID curves can be tricky
In the past weeks, I have seen flourishing a lot of COVID analysis. Some are very simple and just nicely display the data with a shallow analysis. Some adopt a different angle and propose a new approach to the data. The most advanced ones feature maps or crazy modelizations of...
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Comment tracer les contacts et respecter la vie privée
L'État veut-il nous traquer ?
J’entends de grandes inquiétudes sur le fonctionnement du suivi contacts qui sera instauré en France pour prévenir la propagation du COVID-19. J’entends en particulier des craintes concernant la sécurité des informations et la capacité de l’État à utiliser ces informations pour traquer les citoyens.
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Hack from home hackathon against COVID-19
Trying to do some good during confinement
This weekend, I have participated in the hack from home hackathon against COVID-19. I have joined a team led by Meabh MacMahon, a postdoctoral scientist at The Milner Institute, specialized in drug reuse. The idea that originated from Namshik Han was to use the knowledge gathered so far on drugs...
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April fools — My startup is live! Discover Push-Mush, SoapML as a service
Reverse engineering the physics-inspired engineering
Careful: This was my April fools’ day joke. I am very sorry if you were waiting for this technology to change your way of life. The video below is totally true and interesting though, you can really use soap to solve optimization problems, and you should watch it if you...
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Line Clipping: The Algorithmic Beauty of Liang-Barsky Algorithm
How a geometric problem can find a beautiful coding solution
I recently stumbled upon an elementary problem: compute the intersection points of a line — actually, an affine function — and a rectangle. For that kind of simple geometric problem, I do not rush toward Google. I prefer to try to solve it myself, to keep my problem-solving mind sharp!...
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